2014 Potty Training Camps Are Coming to a Close with New York City

Potty training camps are awesome for the family who likes to take potty training to an extra level by mixing in a little bit of fun.
Our potty camps are only two hours long. Enough for the child to absorb the information and also learn the practical.
You have a choice between attending 3 days or 5 days. The Potty Whisperer makes an appearance at all camps. Check out our last camp for 2014 in New York.

Our camps, hosted in a home setting in every town immerse your child in learning all about potty training through arts/crafts, movement and hands on activities.

These camps are appropriate for children ages 2-6.
 While your campers are enjoying organized and free play activities in our multi-purpose room with our friendly camp counselors, you can be relaxing close by in a café or shop. Each activity is centered on the week's theme. The theme is announced 30 days before the camp and it is listed on our camp page.

All camps will include the following:

- lots and lots of potty breaks
- snack time
- art
- games
- crafts and music time based on that weeks' theme 

- 30 minutes of movement (ex: parachute time, dance, obstacle courses, etc.) 

- Story time and snack 

- Camp T-Shirt 

- Admission to our play space before and after camp. 

Book your child now for:

NY - Long Island
October 5th - 9th 2014

NY - Long Island
October 19th - 23rd 2014

NY - Manhattan 
October 26th - 30th 2014


  1. Do you ever come to SW FL? I have a 3 year old daughter that just isn't interested in anything when it come to going to the potty!!!

  2. Michelle - Adriana Vermillion travels worldwide for 101 camps and couching, however for 2014 and 2015 we are not scheduled to have a potty camp in Florida. In the event that you and a few other parents are interested to put a camp together our team will come and run the potty camp. Here you will find some info on our referral program: http://ptsbootcamp.blogspot.com/p/v-behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html

    You also won the Potty Whisperers e-book since you commented. Please e-mail us and we will send you the e-book.
