Potty Training Process

What is the right time frame for potty training? 

In a nutshell: we believe when you are ready! I know some parenting experts may disagree with me, however I believe potty training can be done like anything else, that’s why is called training. Unlike other developmental milestones, kids are programmed with one-of-a-kind schedules — some say it's crucial to let your child set the pace for when to start potty training, and I attend to some degree, however I also believe it is crucial to train your child as early as possible for several reasons:

·      School
·      Camps
·      Play dates
·      Development
·      Savings
If your child is past eighteen months you can probably look for some of the following potty-training
readiness signs:

1.    Changing fewer wet diapers

Until about eighteen months, kids pee so frequently that expecting them to control their bladders is probably unrealistic. But a toddler who stays dry for an hour or two at a stretch — and occasionally awakes without wetness — is physically ready for potty training, however knowing that practice makes perfect I suggest use the frequent potty breaks to teach your child instead of changing diapers.

2.    Your child's bowel movements are predictable

Whether your child has a BM in the morning, after meals, or right before bed, “a regular rhythm will help you anticipate when to pull out the potty — and thus boost his likelihood of success” some experts say, however what I say is use diet, rest and patience to get your child to have regular BM as well as get the timing just right, after all do you have a BM at the same time every day?

3.    Your child broadcasts bodily functions

Some children happily announce when a bowel movement is about to or through less-verbal means — say, by retreating to a corner or producing a preemptive grunt. No matter what the signal, if your child shows he's aware of his body's functions, he's ready for potty training, and I have some good news… your child did that the first time he/she had to pass a BM or urine.

4.    Your child despises dirty diapers

Every time your child has a meal, the child needs to use the bathroom and every time your child (as a baby mostly) cries because he/she is wet they communicate with you and you have an opportunity to train, however over time the child becomes desensitized and the diapers more absorbent. By the time your child reaches toddler stage or preschool stage he/she learn how to open the diaper and maybe even tell you they are dirty. As you can see the child communicates at every stage, however the parent needs to learn how to take initiative and start the training.

5.    He or She is able to perform simple undressing

If you would like for your child to be independent at potty training when nature calls, the potty won't be of much use unless your child can quickly yank down his trousers or underwear, and girls should be able to pull up their skirts in a flash, however if your child is younger and motor skills are still in development be of help, you will be glad you did.

6.    Your child understands bathroom lingo

Whether you prefer kid-friendly jargon like "poop" and "pee" or formal terminology like "defecate" and "urinate," your child's ready for potty training if he understands and is able to use the family's words for bathroom functions and any associated body parts.

7.    Your child demands a live demonstration

If your child has toileting on the brain, he'll want to see how the experts do it. So don't be surprised if your little one follows you into the bathroom to have a look.

Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Comment bellow and let us know. If you are potty training or thinking to start soon don’t forget to request our Top 10 Potty Training Tips on your right.

Adriana Vermillion is the Founder and CEO of P.O.T.T."Y" Generation®, The Potty Whisperer™, a Lead Trainer and Parenting Coach with over sixteen years of experience in potty training special needs children and coaching parents. Adriana is a freelance writer, author and a frequent motivational speaker available for your event at www.adrianavermillion.com

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